SIMA is a toolbox for motion correction and cell detection. Here we illustrate how to create a workflow which uses SIMA to detect cells and FISSA to extract decontaminated signals from those cells.
Reference: Kaifosh, P., Zaremba, J. D., Danielson, N. B., Losonczy, A., 2014. SIMA: Python software for analysis of dynamic fluorescence imaging data. Frontiers in neuroinformatics 8 (80). doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00080
In [1]:
# FISSA toolbox
import fissa
# SIMA toolbox
import sima
import sima.segment
# File operations
import glob
# Plotting toolbox, with notebook embedding options
import holoviews as hv
%load_ext holoviews.ipython
%output widgets='embed'
In [2]:
# Define folder where tiffs are present
tiff_folder = 'exampleData/20150529/'
# Find tiffs in folder
tiffs = sorted(glob.glob(tiff_folder + '/*.tif*'))
# define motion correction method
mc_approach = sima.motion.DiscreteFourier2D()
# Define SIMA dataset
sequences = [sima.Sequence.create('TIFF', tiff) for tiff in tiffs[:1]]
dataset = sima.ImagingDataset(sequences, 'example.sima')
dataset = sima.ImagingDataset.load('example.sima')
In [3]:
stica_approach = sima.segment.STICA(components=2)
rois = dataset.segment(stica_approach, 'auto_ROIs')
In [4]:
fig = hv.Overlay()
for roi in rois:
fig *= hv.Curve(roi.coords[0])
FISSA needs either ImageJ ROIs or numpy arrays as inputs for the ROIs.
SIMA outputs ROIs as numpy arrays, and can be directly read into FISSA.
A given roi is given as
rois[i].coords[0][:, :2]
FISSA expects rois to be provided as a list of lists
[[roiA1, roiA2, roiA3, ...]]
So some formatting will need to be done first.
In [5]:
numROI = len(rois)
rois_fissa = [roi.coords[0][:, :2] for roi in rois]
In [6]:
rois[0].coords[0][:, :2].shape
We can then run FISSA on the data using the ROIs supplied by SIMA having converted them to a FISSA-compatible format, rois_fissa
In [7]:
output_folder = 'fissa_sima_example'
exp = fissa.Experiment(tiff_folder, [rois_fissa], output_folder)
In [8]:
%%opts Curve {+axiswise}
def plot_cell_regions(roi_polys, plot_neuropil=False):
Plot a single cell region, using holoviews.
out = hv.Overlay()
if plot_neuropil:
# Plot the neuropil as well as the ROI
n_region = len(roi_polys)
# Just plot the ROI, not the neuropil
n_region = 1
for i_region in range(n_region):
x = roi_polys[i_region][0][:, 1]
y = roi_polys[i_region][0][:, 0]
out *= hv.Curve(zip(x, y))
return out
i_trial = 0
# Generate outlines around for all detected regions, indicating neuropil subregions
region_plots = {
i_cell: plot_cell_regions(exp.roi_polys[i_cell, i_trial], plot_neuropil=True)
for i_cell in range(exp.nCell)
# Generate plots for raw extracts and neuropil removed
traces_plots = {
i_cell: hv.Curve(exp.raw[i_cell][i_trial][0, :], label='SIMA') *
hv.Curve(exp.result[i_cell][i_trial][0, :], label='FISSA')
for i_cell in range(exp.nCell)
# Get average image
avg_img = hv.Raster(exp.means[i_trial])
# Render holoviews
avg_img * hv.HoloMap(region_plots,kdims=['Cell']) * fig + hv.HoloMap(traces_plots,kdims=['Cell'])
(A) ROI contours, and the neuropil subregions defined by FISSA for the current cell.
(B) Signal extracted by SIMA's detected ROI (blue), and after decontaminating with FISSA (red)